front page

 This introduction is repeated on two websites. I’ve had two websites for a few years and an introduction changes from time to time. It’s currently March 2020 and I’ve finished working on a text called talking house(s) for the time being. It’s a book size text and current  proposals have to do with turning a difficult text into something else.  

 Currently I want to highlight one page called two proposals and another called second proposal (on the other website) and these proposals come out a talking house(s) debacle. One is addressed to a group of Lacanian analysts and the other supposes a resonance in exhibition mode. 

 There is reference to work that’s not shown on the websites and two proposals. One is addressed to psychoanalysts and the other will soon be addressed to a group of artists in the form of an open letter. Their work interests me and my question has to do with what artists can to do to help each other. I would like to add more substance to what I call my work and possibly publish talking house(s) at some point, but there is much to do in the interim. Some trajectories are only possible in some circumstances and funding is always an issue.

 Following a trail in the direction of academia, the function of art can be redefined, but (in my case) something begins with s search for new networks. Something resonates sometimes and this is my starting point. I’m posting emails to artists whose work resonates for me... and hopefully it’s a point of departure. 

 - CS March 2020

Christopher Sands, digital still, 2014

                    (click on images throughout to enlarge)




© Christopher Sands 2017